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If you want your child to learn to swim in Toronto or North York, you can count on Buckler Aquatics, a pioneer in imparting teaching swimming to infants and toddlers. Over 2,000 clients attend weekly swimming lessons in North York, Mississauga, and Scarborough. We are proud to say that many of our current students are children and grandchildren of parents who were Buckler ‘Tads’ once themselves.

Following the Buckler TAD initial instruction, we teach the Lifesaving Society Learn To Swim Program, emphasizing stroke style, endurance, and distance swimming. Our professional training extends to the Lifesaving Society Canadian Swim Patrol and the Bronze Awards programs, catering to teens and adults in Toronto and North York. At Buckler TAD, we are dedicated to preparing individuals for a lifetime of safe enjoyment in the water. Call us to enroll in a swim program.


Parents often worry about their toddler or kid's safety in the water while learning to swim. We at Buckler Aquatics, located in Toronto and North York, assure you of the complete security of your precious ones when they are in the water with our highly experienced instructors. Our team of highly experienced swimming instructors is dedicated to providing comprehensive swimming lessons that not only teach essential skills but also prioritize the security of your precious ones. 

Our Buckler Tad Program is specifically designed for toddlers, and its' badge certification prepares your kids for success in the Life Saving Society Learn to Swim Program.

Our instructors and facilities are equipped with all safety measures and are enthusiastic while preparing your toddler and kids for vital life skills.

We help them adapt to water and progress by teaching fundamentals of swimming as:

  • Building trust and confidence: Our highly trained and patient instructors know how to build trusting relationships with their students. We will start with building their faith in the water by letting them get their face wet by partially submerging their mouth and nose in the water, taking a deep breath, and holding it for a while.
  • Breath control: Breath control is a crucial aspect of our swimming lessons. They learn to breathe in and out with their mouth and then exhale in water through their mouth.
  • Breathing underwater: It is a vital skill for further learning to submerge with face and nose in the water and exhale through the mouth.
  • Submerging: The kids will learn to submerge by holding the poolside edge and practicing breath retention.
  • Floating: Next comes stationary floating on the water's surface. We will start by manually supporting the kids to float in a star shape with legs and arms stretched out in a star shape in prone and supine poses. Then, slowly remove the support and inform them about their body's buoyancy capacity to help it float. Though it's one of the more challenging skills to teach kids, our instructors help them learn to relax and rest their necks/heads in the water.
  • Regaining standing: They will learn to stand after floating freely by practicing bending their knees, using their arms to pull themselves up, and then placing their feet on the pool floor. This part of learning swimming is a huge confidence builder for the kids.
  • Push and glide: This is the last essential skill to start formal swimming lessons. They will learn to push and glide from the poolside and create a stretched-out streamlined position to cut efficiently through the water.

Join us in Toronto and North York for swimming lessons prioritizing trust-building and skill development in a safe and supportive environment.


Swimming is one of the few physical activities that can be started in infancy. Billions of new neurons are created when a baby plays in water. It gives children the added advantage of building muscle tone, coordination, discipline, comprehension, and confidence in and around water. It is a life skill that can be enjoyed by the whole family while keeping you healthy and fit at the same time. It’s also an excellent workout for your entire body, specifically the cardiovascular system. If you're interested in exploring swimming lessons in Toronto or North York, discovering this skill could be enriching and enjoyable for individuals of all ages.

Swimming can benefit adults with the following:

To live a longer, healthy life because it helps to lower the risk of heart disease and stroke compared to those who don't swim.

Stay lean as it provides a full-body workout by engaging the body's core with moving arms, shoulders, and legs and a higher metabolic rate.

Control hypertension and blood pressure and strengthen the lungs with its aerobic feature.

In diseased lung conditions like asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, the lungs can benefit significantly from swimming because swimming trains the muscles with respiration, and the pool provides a humid, warm, and low-pollen environment.

Osteoarthritis, arthritis, and fibromyalgia improve muscle strength and, consequently, less joint pain and stiffness.

Put you in a better mood due to the release of 'feel good hormones dopamine and serotonin and thus help to combat depression, anxiety, and stress.

Sleep better by resetting the body's internal clock and restoring the natural circadian rhythm.


Swimming is a life skill, like riding a bicycle or learning to use a computer. Most Canadians participate in some form of aquatic activity each year. Unfortunately, in pursuing water-based activities, drowning and aquatics accidents claim the lives of over 400 individuals every year. This makes drowning and water-related fatalities the third-leading cause of accidental death in the country among those under the age of 60.

Investing in swimming lessons becomes imperative. Whether in the bustling city of Toronto or the vibrant community of North York, acquiring essential swimming skills is a fundamental step in promoting water safety. Enrolling in swimming lessons enhances personal safety and reduces the alarming statistics of aquatic accidents.

Buckler Aquatics offers swimming programs for toddlers and specialized programs for kids, teens, and adults to master their swimming skills, certificates, and awards. Register for swimming lessons in Toronto now!


If you are thinking about registering you or your child for swimming lessons in Toronto or North York, here are some key features of our programs that you will find helpful:

No-charge initial evaluation to determine the correct swim level

All lessons are conducted in our own extensive, clean pools.

Constant warm water environment – 90° F, 30° C

Buckler Aquatics trained professional, certified instructors.

Individual instruction in a group environment

Swimmers evaluated continuously

Swimmers progress at the rate encouraged by their instructor.

Constant deck supervision

One-way glass viewing room for parents’ enjoyment

No-charge monthly family swims and weekly daytime and night-time play swim

Convenient, continuous booking of lesson day and time

Generous cancellation/make-up policy

Family discounts available

1 instructor and 1 junior instructor per class

The supervisor provides lounge updates and is available for individual questions.

Centralized computer booking and make-up system

Contact Us

If you are interested in taking swimming lessons in Toronto or North York or learning more about our pool facilities, please get in touch today! We’ll be happy to answer your queries.



Professional instructors for providing swimming lessons in North York, Toronto.


Buckler Aquatics

North York Pool
562 McNicoll Ave
North York, ON, M2H 2E1

Mississauga Pool
5200 Dixie Rd

Scarborough Pool
500 Coronation Dr

Office HOURS

Weekdays: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM


North York location:



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